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Introducing "Customer Data Platform" CDP for Product module
Introducing "Customer Data Platform" CDP for Product module

We are excited to announce the release of CDP "Customer Data Platform" for the Product module in SubPage today. The product module in SubPage was meant for product based businesses to engage with customers by showcasing upcoming roadmap, collecting user suggestions and notifying recent updates to their product.

But there was an important missing piece to this, which is Customer Tracking. Without knowing about the customer it will be hard to get feedback and develop features that the customer wants to use. Here comes CDP to track and maintain a database of your customer's attributes. Using which you can know to approach which customer for feedback, upsell or engage.

The current release provides only basic CDP features with customer listing, segment creation, visitor details and dashboard analytics. To track customers, you have to include a tracking code inside your web software after the user signs-in. The more attributes you send to CDP the more useful it becomes to create segments and analyze data.

However in our upcoming updates CDP will become more useful as it will tightly integrate with other solutions in our SubPage suite.

Note: CDP is now available only for growth plan customers. For now there are no restrictions in historical data or user count but they will be brought soon.

Launching chrome extension to generate help articles in a snap
Launching chrome extension to generate help articles in a snap

The SubPage | Help package provides a comprehensive suite of customer support oriented products that include "HelpCenter", "FAQ", "Glossary" and "Integrations". It is consistently updated with new features and refinements to provide the best experience for both businesses and customers. Today's update is for the creators which is you.

At SubPage our goal is to minimize time for businesses by providing the right tools with its no-code, no-design editor. On these lines, today we are proud to announce a Chrome Extension for generating step-by-step howto guides for your HelpCenter and Integration Library. We understand it is a pain to create help articles, as it involves lot of processes like adding help steps, taking screenshots, applying pointers.

From today, this Chrome Extension removes all these redundant steps, now generating help articles is as easy as navigating a workflow. The new SubPage help extension automatically generates help script, takes screenshots and adds annotations at the right places. And it outputs as a regular HelpCenter or Integration Library article, which means you can edit and fine tune everything about it including annotations.

Get our FREE extension for creating editable step-by-step guides and how-to articles now and reduce over 80% effort in creating help material.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 9.24.23 PM.png

Some unique features of our step-by-step creator:

👉️ Choose your annotation type - circle, rectangle, arrow... more on the way

👉️ Able to UNDO last added step

👉️ Generates fully editable article , including editable markers in screenshots

👉️ Can pause/resume workflow anytime. Useful for skipping steps

👉️ Intelligent script generation for each step (Coming soon)

Here is an example article generated with this extension

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 9.33.40 PM.png

Text editing improvements - AI tones, RTL and CodeBlock copy fn
Text editing improvements - AI tones, RTL and CodeBlock copy fn

Text editing forms one of the core systems in SubPage. It is present in almost all subpage modules whether it is helpcenter, blog or changelog. Any improvement , will affect and update all the areas where it is used.

This update brings certain key improvements to the text editor in SubPage

Generate Text in any style with AI Tones

Now you can rephrase text, summarize, make sentence longer or write article with a prompt in a particular style using AI tones. AI tones helps you provide character to your generated text by providing option to the AI to write text in an intended style. It comes with already 10 AI tones such as Casual, Professional, Humour, Creative, Narrative and more...

Let us see an example of this text generated with AI Tones


"Text editing forms one of the key features in this application. It helps you write, format and generate text for your pages."


"Alright, listen up! This application has got a wicked cool feature called text editing. It's like having a personal writing coach, a fancy formatting wizard, and a text generating guru all in one. So basically, you can write like a boss, make your pages look snazzy, and even create text out of thin air. It's like magic, but better!."


"This application has a key feature of text editing, which aids in writing, formatting, and generating text for pages."

Text direction option with RTL

This is one of the most asked features by our customers especially whose native languages have RTL text direction. RTL option in text editor helps to write text from right to left direction. This is usually seen in languages like Arabic, Persian, Hebrew.

Here is a sample:

يشكل تحرير النص إحدى الميزات الرئيسية في هذا التطبيق. يساعدك

على كتابة وتنسيق وإنشاء نص لصفحاتك.

Improved CodeBlock with copy function

Code-block component is used for showcasing code snippets, these snippets are usually copied by the visitors for further use. Until now, users have to select the code and manually copy just like any other text. Now in this update all code-blocks include a copy button that allows readers to easily copy all the code in the block with just a click.

Example of the new codeblock. Notice the copy icon at the top of the block.

/* Code to make text blink with CSS */

@keyframes blink {
100% {
opacity: 0;

Introducing SubPage 2.0 with a fresh outlook
Introducing SubPage 2.0 with a fresh outlook

We are happy to launch SubPage 2.0 with a fresh new outlook and design. While the goal of SubPage app remains the same which is to elevate your business website, this version further refines it and categorizes the features provided by SubPage into major solutions.

With the new SubPage app, you can easily choose which part of your business's web presence needs to be improved for your organization. Let us go through them:

  1. Legal - For business policy and compliance
  2. Media - Increase SEO with articles, press releases
  3. Hiring - List jobs and manage applications
  4. Product - Streamline product communication with releases and roadmap
  5. Help - Build support knowlege base with widgets and help portal

With the above 5 solutions, SubPage helps to improve all aspects of your business in a fast and easy way. Having just a beautiful website is not enough for your business, it is important to turn your website into a professional web presence by incorporating all the above solutions.

Core UI improvements in 2.0

Dedicated Top Toolbar

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Whichever tool you open, a dedicated top toolbar will always be there to provide instant access to all available solutions, main dashboard, domain settings and account preferences. This makes it easy to navigate between tools with less clicks and also provides the underlying connection between different tools available in SubPage.

New Domain Dashboard

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The dashboard has been totally redesigned. Now it has contextual blocks based on your SubPage usage. It lets you access different tools, provides a getting started snippet for all solutions, links to helpful guides and tutorials. We hope more new blocks will be available in future like important Stats, last applied candidates...

Inviting Splash Screen

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Now before you use each tool in SubPage, it begins with an insightful splash screen that highlights the features about that tool and its purpose.

Re-designed editor

Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 6.52.15 PM.png

Example editor - Changelog

Each editor inside SubPage app has undergone thoughtful changes with fresh design. It is not just the styling and colors but also how easy it is to access all the features inside each tool.

Everything is now 2x

We believe the new SubPage app, brings fresh perspective for managing the public presence of your business without the need to use multiple tools and elevates your business to the next level.

Now Publish pages to sub-directory of your website
Now Publish pages to sub-directory of your website

Hi SubPagers, In this release, We are pleased to support a much requested feature from you all, i.e. the ability to publish pages to sub-folder or sub-directory of your website.

SubPage powerups your website with important pages which could be a standalone page such as a privacy policy or page portals like a helpcenter or blog. It allows you to connect a sub-domain of your website to a page. This setup is quite easy and straightforward and in most cases does not require developer intervention.

However we understand sub-domains are more suitable for entire page portals than individual pages like policies or faq. Considering this, today's release allows you to publish pages to sub-directory of your website in addition to sub-domain support.

Which means instead of privacy.yourwebsite.com, you can now have yourwebsite.com/privacy. This support is provided for all pages including helpcenter, blog, changelog...

But please note, publishing to sub-directory requires changes to your server configuration and it is best done by a developer with back-end knowledge or a server administrator.

To guide you in this setup, we have provided comprehensive documentation for popular server setups like Nginx, Apache, CloudFront, CloudFlare, Next.js, Netlify...

Access our guide here

If we missed any server or you require help regarding this, do not hesitate to contact us.

Introducing: Google Doc like collaborative content writing for SubPages
Introducing: Google Doc like collaborative content writing for SubPages

SubPage provides a powerful writer tool to create content for blogs, policies, support articles and more. It also provides role based sharing for teams to collaboratively work on their SubPages with permissions.

Now this latest update leverages both these features to provide a Google Doc like experience in writing content for subpages with real-time collaboration. Now multiple authors can able to work on the same content at the same time. Also track cursor of the shared users inside the content to know who is writing what without worrying about duplicating or lost data.

This is useful in a number of cases, for example when writing a policy for your business, it is recommended for the legal advisor and the business owner to edit terms to their business requirements in real time. Or a content writer and marketing manager can collaboratively write their next business blog.

At SubPage, our goal is to progressively make the experience of creating, editing and publishing important subpages for your business as better as possible.

Consent logging for Policy widgets
Consent logging for Policy widgets

SubPage offers comprehensive tools to create policy pages for your business website like terms of service, privacy policy... etc. Along with the policy page editor, it also provides companion widgets to get consent for your policy agreements from users.

Today's update brings consent logging for Policy subpage widgets to record, track and analyze consent based interactions from users. With consent logging you can now track how many users in your website have accepted your cookie policy or how many declined. Same with 'Accept terms and conditions' widget.

Consent logging is not only useful for analyzing the acknowledgement of your business policies about your product, but also a legal requirement in many regions where regulations like GDPR or CCPA apply.

If you are on a paid plan and already use any of our policy widgets, simply re-publish (no re-installation required), to start consent logging.